Discover the ingredients we avoid!

At Eliya’s Lean & Clean we work with a clean label ingredient list. We define clean label as ‘free from artificial additives, preservatives, synthetic colors and flavors’. The concept of clean label is driven by consumer demand for more transparent and healthier food options. We would like to contribute to that.

That is why we avoid artificial sweeteners such as aspartame, acesulfame-K and Sucralose, which are harmful to your health. We know from research that these sweeteners can cause diabetes and that in cumulative quantities they even pave the way to worse diseases such as cancer. Eliya’s ‘sweet’ comes from completely natural sweeteners. She uses a mix of stevia extract and erythrithol to replace sugar. A little sugar in some sauces comes from the tomato itself, if it is used.

We also do not use chemically processed thickeners such as modified starches and xanthan. Instead, native (all-natural) starches and guar gum are used. Completely natural, pure ingredients.

To extend the shelf life of the product, Eliya again uses completely natural raw materials: vinegar, buffered vinegar and lactic acid together provide a squeeze bottle that has a shelf life of at least five months (provided it is kept in a closed container, dry and cool). Eliya thinks that a bottle of sauce does not have to have a shelf life of two years and avoids sorbates and benzoates (preservatives) that are not part of a clean label recipe.

Perhaps unnecessary to tell, but Eliya’s Lean & Clean sauces obviously do not contain any raw materials of animal origin.

Eliya’s sauces also fit well with a gluten-free diet.

Please contact us for additional questions.


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